Privacy Policy

Who we are

This Privacy Policy details what personal information we collect from you and who we might need to share it with.

We are Arkem Leisure Ltd. Registered in England & Wales No: 12930211. Our website address is:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

When you first contact us either by direct email, telephone or our website enquiry form, we receive your personal contact details, such as: name, phone number, email address, general location, IP address or business name. All but the IP address is supplied by you. We ask for these details to enable us to service your requirement and contact you.

As your enquiry progresses we will have discussions with one or more of our suppliers. For reference purposes they will be made aware of your name and delivery address/location.

We never pass or sell any of your personal details to a third party for marketing purposes.

We never partake in any unsolicited marketing exercises.

All your data is kept secure and you are free to ask us what we hold or request it to be updated or deleted (unless we are required by law to keep it).

Please contact if you would like us to request or remove your details.

We do not collect any personal data using cookies. All cookies are to support website operation and performance based analysis.

Not sure what cookies are information a recommended article can be found here that clearly explains.